Friday, October 2, 2009


I had a laptop taken about a year ago during a playing trip. I was in my hotel shack typewriting on my notebook when I suddenly realized the lateness, of the evening. I was already late for a fellow with a daylong time friend. I jumped up, grabbed my keys and rushed discover of the hotel to pick her up. The fellow overturned discover absolutely great. However, when I arrived back at my hotel shack the next morning, my entranceway was slightly open.

My first thought was, shack service was doing their thing. But to my surprise the shack was empty. I quickly realized when I had rushed discover of my shack last night, I had unsuccessful to completely shut my hotel shack entranceway tight. Well, needless to say, my laptop machine was taken along with some cloths and a few bucks off the top of my dresser. I felt sick at the lowermost of my stomach. I had some important playing files on the laptop. But lucky for me, I had a good backup of my data files, on an external USB flash drive attached to my key ring. My normal scheduled data backup was performed only a day prior to my trip. I felt a lowercase meliorate but rattling stupid.

I had lost a very expensive laptop, that was inferior than a year old. I was discover a good $1500.00 dollars for the laptop. I called the personnel and made discover a personnel report. Hotel management expressed concern and assured me they would look into it. I hit not heard from them since.

A few days had absent by before my mind had started to settle down over the lost laptop. I began thinking about what I could do to prevent this from event again. I searched the cyberspace for some possible solutions. What I found was a laptop lock under laptop machine security. A rattling simple and straight forward solution. Lock up my laptop with a section lock when ever I mitt it sitting alone and unguarded.

There was just no way I could check my laptop 24 hours a day during my daily travels. I looked at several laptops locks from many stores. I decided on one that gave me the best thieving endorsement for my money. Today I hit several laptop locks. I circularize one around with me in my laptop case to be used on trips. A few more securing a laptop at bag and in my office.

Now this is certainly not the only solution, nor is it the best and is far from full proof. It module however, help prevent my laptop from being an easy target. And I hit done something, so I can sleep a lowercase bit meliorate at night. Like the old saying goes, \"something is meliorate than nothing\"!

Now for a brief update: Lately I having been hunting around for other solutions in preventing my laptop from being stolen. I hit found a program on the cyberspace called Adeona. You establish a lowercase software program on your laptop. If it is ever taken you can track it. The software module send back to an cyberspace computer the physical location of your laptop. If you hit a Mac it module even send a picture of the thief. You module than be able to give this information to the police, who hopefully module be able to recover your laptop. It sounds extremely promising. It is now installed on every my laptops. I only hope I module never hit to place it to use!

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